¿Hable español?

¿Necesita traducir este página?

  1. Haga clic con el botón derecho del ratón en la página.
  2. Haga clic en "Traducir al español"
  3. Si el idioma no es el deseado, haga clic en los 3 puntos y elija otro idioma.

Vaya a esta página y siga las instrucciones:


Haga clic en el botón de traducir en la barra de búsqueda.

¿Necesita traducir este página?

  1. Haga clic con el botón derecho del ratón en la página.
  2. Haga clic en "Traducir al español"
  3. Haga clic en el botón traducir y seleccione el idioma correcto.

Schedule Pickup

    What is 9 x 1 ?

    The thrift store schedules pickups of saleable goods on the following days based on availability:

    • Tuesday 9 am to noon and 1 to 3 pm
    • Wednesday 9 am to noon and 1 to 3 pm
    • Thursday 9 am to noon and 1 to 3 pm
    • Friday 9 am to noon and 1 to 3 pm
    • Saturday 9 am to noon and 1 to 3 pm

    We will contact you within 24 hours to discuss your pickup. Please check the website for items that are not accepted prior to making your request. Thank you for supporting Rockwall Helping Hands.

    We strive to ensure that no one in Rockwall County goes to bed hungry, without a roof overhead, or is deprived of needed medical care.

    • Compassion and Kindness
    • Integrity
    • Consistency
    • Confidentiality
    • Dignity
    • Fiscal Sustainability and Stewardship

    Helping Hands
    Senior Staff

    Melody East

    Vice President of Operations

    Melody Hail

    Senior Director of Philanthropy

    Donna Barnett

    Director of Administrative Services

    Tarren Oswald

    Director of Assistance & Referral

    Judy Burr

    Business Office Manager

    Board of Directors

    • Rob Scheele

    • Sedric Thomas

      Vice Chair Health Services
    • Jennifer Beasley

      Vice Chair A&R
    • Jauna French

      Vice Chair Thrift Store
    • Lacy Deckard

      Vice Chair Fundraising & Events
    • Jeremy Neill

    • Eric Hassell

      Corporate Secretary
    • KC Ashmore

    • Doug Brown

    • Kevin Fowler

    • Stefanie Gentile

    • Nan Ketcham, PhD

    • Perry Kirk

    • David Lensch, MD - Emeritus

    • Bruce Paton, PhD - Emeritus

    • Stephanie Shisler, MD

    • Jane Simonson

    • Kim Stark