¿Hable español?

¿Necesita traducir este página?

  1. Haga clic con el botón derecho del ratón en la página.
  2. Haga clic en "Traducir al español"
  3. Si el idioma no es el deseado, haga clic en los 3 puntos y elija otro idioma.

Vaya a esta página y siga las instrucciones:


Haga clic en el botón de traducir en la barra de búsqueda.

¿Necesita traducir este página?

  1. Haga clic con el botón derecho del ratón en la página.
  2. Haga clic en "Traducir al español"
  3. Haga clic en el botón traducir y seleccione el idioma correcto.

Schedule Pickup

    What is 6 x 7 ?

    The thrift store schedules pickups of saleable goods on the following days based on availability:

    • Tuesday 9 am to noon and 1 to 3 pm
    • Wednesday 9 am to noon and 1 to 3 pm
    • Thursday 9 am to noon and 1 to 3 pm
    • Friday 9 am to noon and 1 to 3 pm
    • Saturday 9 am to noon and 1 to 3 pm

    We will contact you within 24 hours to discuss your pickup. Please check the website for items that are not accepted prior to making your request. Thank you for supporting Rockwall Helping Hands.

    We Could Use a Hand

    Volunteer your time and talent to Rockwall. You’ll make new friends and directly help Rockwall residents in need. Our beloved volunteers serve throughout the agency, lending a helping hand to staff members in each department. Volunteers strengthen the organization and bring support to our programs, which include Assistance & Referral, Special Events Volunteers and The Thrift Store Boutique.

    Volunteer Opportunities

    To become a volunteer, please complete the online application by clicking here and attend one volunteer orientation.

    You will be contacted with information about upcoming volunteer orientations after completing the volunteer application.

    ***For Volunteer groups of 5 people or more, please email Volunteer Coordinator Joyce E. at joyceejt@rockwallhelpinghands.com directly.

    ***If you need to perform court-ordered community service hours, DO NOT  fill out volunteer application but call 972/771-1655 x102 to schedule.

    Volunteer Application


    Our Mission

    Thrift Store & Boutique

    Thrift Store & Boutique volunteers work Monday through Saturday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. and assist with daily store operations.

    Thrift Store Volunteer Tasks include:
    • Customer Service: Assisting customers with merchandise on sales floor
    • Receiving: Assisting with the intake of donations
    • Organizing and Sorting: Assisting with organizing, testing and sorting new donations for the sales floor
    • Sales Floor: Assisting staff on the sales floor with organizing, cleaning and merchandising
    Hours: Monday-Saturday
    • AM Shift: 9am-1pm
    • PM Shift: 1pm-5pm
      *Shifts may be shortened to two-hour shifts

    Visit the Thrift Store & Boutique

    Assistance & Referral

    Assistance & Referral Volunteers, or Front Desk Greeters, assist with the initial intake process, as well as take pantry orders from clients in need of food.

    Food Pantry volunteers assist with filling and packing client food orders, sorting and stocking donations and intake of donations.
    • Hours: Monday- Friday
    • AM Shift: 9am-12pm PM Shift: 1pm-4pm

    Find Out About the Food Pantry

    Patient Services

    Special Events Volunteers

    • Set Up & Take Down: Assisting with set up and take down duties before and after the event
    • Gift Bags & Mailings: Assisting with assembling gift bags and Helping Hands mailers as needed
    • Raffle Ticket Sales: Assist with the selling of tickets before and during events
    • Check-in & Check-out: Assisting with checking guests in/out before and after event
    • Hours: Varies depending on event.

    Contact Us Today


    Monday – Friday: 9am-5pm

    Visit Us

    950 Williams St
    Rockwall, TX 75087

